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اهلا وسهلا بكم في موقع الباحث علي سيدو رشو

Last month in Akra town, which belongs to Dohuk Governorate in Kurdistan region-Iraq, Imam of Muslims named "Mullah Farzanda", announced publically from the Mosque on Friday usual speaking that the Muslims must kill all the Yezidis and may never stay them alive because they (Yezidis) are unbelievers and killed the girl Duha'a. This invitation means that theYezidis surviving in Kurdistan are in real risk.

We all as Yezidis criticized that barbaric event and we also announced that a group of Yezidi fanatic youths from the girl's relatives who did that as a revenge of the Kurds gunmen attack on Yezidi civilians in Sheikhan on February 15, 2007 and not all Yezidi society shared them. But imams in Kurdistan are still accusing all Yezidi society (Yezidi religion), as criminals because they killed that girl. We as human rights defenders are afraid of the revenge after this religious Fatwa, because our entire hurricane happened after the religious Fatwas. The following link is the imam's threatening in Kurdish language, which encouraging the Muslims to revenge and kill all Yezidi where ever they be. The imam used a very dangerous Kurdish traditional proverb, which says "if the goat's fate approached, it will eat the bread of the shepherd", which means that when Yezidis killed the girl Duha'a, so they must be seriously practiced and eliminated. The Kurdistan government hasn't right now even invited this fanatic imam for investigation, therefore we are accusing this government that either it is sharing this imam in his belief, or it has no accountability to control the fanatics. Therefore, we think that the Kurdish authority is not able to protect the Yezidis and other religious and ethnic minorities in Kurdistan from the fanatic Fatwas.

We encourage the Federal and Kurdistan governments to deal legally with the issues, both the peoples who killed the girl and also the fanatics who are encouraging others to revenge. The link’s language is in "Kurdish Bahdinani", and please will you choose a translator of this language to understand the speech very well and explain it for you.


Ali Seedo Rasho

President of the Yezidi Cultural Association in Iraq

Human Rights Activist


Mobile: +20 11 85 36 745

American University in Cairo

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