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The Yezidism
By: Ali Seedo Rasho
The yezidi religion is the third largest religion in Iraq after Islam and Christian religions. It is pioneered in Mesopotamia since Sumerian period two thousand years BC. Therefore, it regards as one of the oldest religions in the world and consequently has greatly influenced the mankind history.
The truth of this religion is obvious from the author’s deferrer in both of their old and new publishing. We know that the religious culture which reached us from that immemorial was through either the remains of the temple buildings or from the writings on the mud sheets, and that is why the religions in Mesopotamia was not written. But, all activities were for the Kings’, Temple interests services and those religions were a mixture of the mankind believes and the nature’s phenomenal. It was also expressing the relationship between both the humans and eternity for all people who believed in the ancient religions in that area and era.
As a fact, the Yezidis ancient language was closely like the Assyrian and Aramaic language. But afterwards, and due to the Islamic expanding movement towards the other regions and lands, the Yezidis were as the others were deprived from their religious culture including the language and subjected to in precedent destruction and oppression. Also, their holly books “Jalwa and Musaf Rash”, and scriptures were robbed which were quite different from both Zoroastrianism and Mithraism. Because the Yezidis are different in religion from the others, so they became the victims as fanatic forces developed and then attacked Yezidis through military campaigns preceded by Islamic religious Fatwa's.
Along the Yezidis history, they were exposed to a policy of repulsion and assimilation and that is why they fled to the mountains and then migrated to the European countries especially, Germany in the last century from Turkey then followed by the people from Syria and finally from Iraq. As a result of fact, the Ba’ath government policy which replaced the Yezidis with Islamic people from Arab nationality on their agriculture territory and deprived the Yezidis from their own land under the embargo situation affect severely on the Yezid social, cultural, political and economical situations.
To our knowledge and theme, the Yezidi future in spite of proclaimed of ideals towards the human rights and freedom for people. The mankind remained silent towards the Yezidi’s sufferings, their religious culture and heritage which assaulted by Turkish Empire and Kurdish leaders in both Turkey and Iraq. This was happened from time to time and occasionally is of a danger, which annihilated them totally. That means loss of a main ring of the mankind chain not only for the Yezidis but also for the humanity.

Yezidi Kurdish Relationship:
In the recent years, the Kurdish policy had covered the Yezidis religion specificity, culture and individuality and it seems that the Kurds supporting it for a long time and trying to hide what ever belonging to Yezidis culture and ethnicity under the name of Kurds and they had been succeeded to manipulate the issue for their interest. As we know, the word Yezidi implies “God” and it is one of 1001 divine names. So, what the word "Kurd" means in this occasion? While we are talking about the religion history, we know that the Yezidism was pioneered and developed in Mesopotamia and we knew also that many other religions were born in the same area, like for example; Mithraism and Zoroastrianism. That means, when those religions were born, there were no nationalities. But, all what the people learned from the nature was that they were watching the nature, the planets and reforming their life due to what they information they had acquired from the nature and to live together as simple societies. The word nationality is recently followed by the religions and it was a step for fighting and expanding their territories to control more areas and lands.
This means that the Yezidis are not Kurds only, but they may include many components from different nationalities as like as any other religions. The Yezidis’ believe is in one God without any companion, and they are respecting the seven Angels. Most of Kurds become Moslems and deprived from their Yezidi religion under the force actions but the Yezidis were remained on their religion in spite of the horror annihilating of massacres and expulsions. That means not all Yezidis are Kurds, but most of the Kurds were Yezidis. And this point is so important and must be explained and recognized to every one for the truth and to end the custody of Kurdish nationality on the Yezidi religion.

Religious Background:
Due to the Yezidi tradition of Yezidi religion, the source of Virtue and Evil is God. The peacock of Angels “EZAZIL, Melek Taus” is always supporting God singleness; he/she hadn’t been thrown out of paradise, and also hadn’t been abused by God. According to the divine power he/she had participated the seven angels, Adam and Eve creation and that is why he refused to pray for Adam and had approved God advice in which God had (ordered) the Angels previously that the praying is just for him. There are many sacred elements in the Yezidi religion:
The shame; which means, how the Yezidis must be honest in his work, never do wrong, and to become a positive one among the society.
Any individual Yezidi must have his brother or sister for afterlife.
Any individual Yezidi must have his Sheikh and Pir, and yearly his Sheikh and per must visit him at home for re-new faith for blessing.
The Yezidis believe is in one God, the seven angels, and the source of virtue and evil is from God.
The Yezidis haven’t been permitted to marry outside their faith, and even among the Yezidis, getting marriage must be among the same religious castes.
Circumcision is a usual right in the Yezidi religion, and at birth an infant baptize by the Sheikh or the Pir with the water from the white fountain at Lalish is also of the Yezidi religion traditional.
Bride and bridegroom select a Sheikh or Pir as brother or sister for afterlife. The religion permits men to have more than one wife, but this is uncommon. Divorce, is permitted also but is very rare.
The Yezidi religious year includes four holly festivals: which begins with the first Wednesday of Seleucid calendar in April, and all Yezidis are participating this festival, which also called Serisal. The other celebration is at Lalish mainly, from July 18 to 21, which called the feast of Forty Days. The third and principle feast is a last for Seven Days at Lalish, from September23 to 30. The fourth and most important feast occurs on the first Friday in December, preceded by three days of general fasting.
The universal ethics and morality principles of Yezidi religion incorporates; the Justice, Loyalty, Truth, Right and Wrong, Mercy and Love, Virtue and Evil, and Souls live on through Transmigration.
Sheikh-Adi, whose tomb at Lalish is the great re-newing (prophet) of the Yezidi religion who links the reality and faith with the last Yezidi’s recorded history. He was born in Beat -Alfar in Lebanon (1073 or 1078), came to Lalish and act many Sufi and miracles work and was capable to collect the Yezidi people around him there. As a fact of Yezidi believes, he had carried a secret from God to lead them and be their missionary. According to the fact that every one may cater to his religion and who will not do that for his religion, will not do for the other religion and that is why Yezidism didn’t accept others to enter their religion and have no missionary intentions. Inside the Yezidis, there are many religious castes, which mean Sheikh, Pir, and Murids, and named caste groups.

Religious Caste Groups:
Sheikhs are also sub-divided into three major branches” Adani, Shamsani, and Qahtani”. The Pirs are also sub-divided into many (foty two) different families, but the Murids are forming one stratum only. These caste groups are not allowed to have a marriage each from another. That means, Adani can’t marry from Qatani and consequently Shamsani from Adani and Qatani. The same things with the Pir’s families, but the Murids are only one stratum though they can marry from any Murids only. It is sharply divided into these groups and every one completes the other to form the Yezidi religion. The marriage out side the faith is forbidden, and also the acceptance from other religions are not allowed that, is why this religion is locked one and haven’t a missionary intentions.
Military Campaigns:
Because we are Yezidis, the most ancient society and religion in Mesopotamia, and refused to be Muslims under the military attack forces, therefore those attacks took an eradication attitude towards the Yezidi society. When the Islamic movement was in the earlier days, Yezidis had been attacked and severely suffered especially during "Lumbering Al-khatab" era. But, when the region became under the Ottoman Empire control, the only change thing towards the Yezidis was Turks replaced by the name of Arab. The Yezidism as other religions may contain many nationalities (Kurds, Arabs, Turks, and Persians). The word that the Yezidis are Kurds only is quite false, because the word Kurds express the nationality but the word Yezidi is expressing a religion and here is the difference so most of the Kurds, who become Muslims, were documentary a part of the Yezidi religion. The Yezidis are the most obvious society to be addressed to understand the fact of Iraqi society; they are compound of both Sami and Ari races and also formulating a religion and nationality at the same time (#).
The religious language is not the only religious detecting element. Therefore, if the matter is due to the religious language, the Kurds must be Arab because Quran “the Islam holly book” is in Arabic. Also, the Yezidis sacred books “Al jalwa and Mosaf Rash” had been written in ancient Yezidi language and recently were written in Arabic. The most fanatic forces, which carried out massacres and annihilate the Yezidi society, were from fanatic Kurds leaders, while accusing Yezidis non-believers. The Kurds after entering Islam religion become the most Yezidi’s effective enemies. The uneven power obliged the Yezidis to leave their fertile lands and villages and flee to the mountains to have more protection. This flee created more historical hate to the Kurds and it was consequently, increased the illiteracy and poverty of the Yezidi society. That means the Yezidis were the only victims of the sequences of Islamic rulers whether they were Kurds, Arabs, Persians or Turks, and they had been killed, looted, house burned, female and children hostages, and finally they had been obliged to pay sympathy just for protection and security. According to this simple introduction, we would like to focus on some documented facts of anti-Yezidi actions (military campaigns), which published by Islamic authors:
In 630 AD. The Moslems started waged against Yezidis and they killed and abducted several people.
In 637 AD. Another waged was begun against Yezidis, which cost them burning and destroying areas.
In 980 AD. Yezidis were surrounded from all directions by Moslem armed units in Hakkari and promised mercy if they surrender. The Moslem units didn’t keep their promise by crucifying the Yezidis between Mosul and Malta road. This event was cost Yezidis massacre and thousands were forced to change their religion.

In 1107 AD, and due to “Fars-Name”, about 50,000 Yezidi families were eradicated during the Islamic expanded era.
5-In 1218, Mongols leadership Hulagu Khan reached the area and because of the strong resistance by Yezidis against his troops, they tried to kill and destroy whatever faced them.
6- In 1254, Conflict was happened between Bader Al-Din Lolo" Mayor of Mosul”, and Yezidi leader named Sheikh Hassan. Then Bader al-din’s men captured Sheikh Hassan they abducted and executed him and hanged his body at the front of Mosul gate without clothes to be seen by the other Yezidis. This event led to start war and due to uneven power the Yezidis were obliged to leave their own lands, villages, temples, and fled to the mountains. Every thing behind them was burned, looted, and eradicated to the ground. Then he sent his armies to dig the Sheikh Adi grave at Lalish, and took out his bones from the grave and burned it in front of the Yezidis who had been collected to see the event.
In 1414, A leader from Persian region named “Jalal Al-Din Mohammed bin izidin yousif Al-Halwani”, with armed groups attacked Yezidis in Hakkar mountains. This leader was Shafee in faith, and Prince “izdin al-bakhti” from ibn Aumer Island, and the Kurdish Tawakal from Sharanish supported him. They collected the Kurds tribes and armed them to come with the prince Shamsaddin Al-Jadakley and they all moved towards Hakkar Mountains to fight Yezidis. They killed most of the Yezidis from Sheikh Adi’s followers and they reached Lalish temple and dug the Sheikh Adi’s grave and took out his remained bones and burned it in front of Yezidis hostages.
In 1585, one of the Kurd leaders named “Ali Saidi Beg from Botan province”, attacked Yezidis in Sinjar and killed more than 600 individuals and abducts most of the girl and women, and his soldiers used them for prostitution in front of the Yezidis captured soldiers.
In 980-981, Hakkar, the yezidi region was opposed to Islamic Kurdish military units. They surrounded the Yezidis from all directions and promised them sympathy if they surrender. When they agreed, the Moslems didn’t keep their mercy and took them as hostages for a long time and killed most of them between Mosul and Malatya and the others were forced to be Moslems.
In 1245-1252, the Hulagu campaign reached its utmost cruelty and killed most of the Yezidis who were driven by swards.
In 1640-1641, the yezidi villages near Mosul were looted and the other villages were attacked by “Ahmed Pasha, the Ottoman governor of Diyarbakir”, with 70,000 strong armed forces and the Yezidis lost many of their people.
In 1648, in this year, Sheikh Merza revolted against the Ottomans for Mosul controlling, because Muslims beheaded his two brothers previously. This accident excited the Van’s mayor from Turkey “Shamsi Pasha” to revenge and attack Yezidis in Mosul with large well armed force under his leader and the Yezidis were obliged to withdraw and they lost the battle. Sheikh Merza was captured, beheaded and hanged in Mosul by the Van Mayor.
In 1715, Hassan Pasha the Othman governor in Baghdad with huge armed soldiers attacked the Yezidis in Sinjar to punish them. The uneven battle forced the Yezidis to flee to Khatonya'h region in Syria. Hassan Pasha handed the area leader to the Arab tribes, and then they also attacked the Yezidis severally.
In 1733, Ahmed Pasha “Othman” destroys many yezidi villages in Zab river area and mass killings were committed. This was followed by another one under the leader of Hussein Pasha to complete destroying Yezidis villages and enforced the other 3000 remains to be Muslims and their villages were looted and leveled to the ground.
In 1743, Nadir Shah, Persian leader, guides his troops towards the yezidi villages near the Big-Zab River, west to Mosul about 30 kms. They looted the villages and captured most of them as hostages and killed the remained that refuse their orders. This means the Yezidi existence there for along time.
In 1752, An Othman pasha named “Suleiman Pasha”, attacked yezidis in sinjar. His campaign of killing and destroying lasted for two years, which cost yezidis more than 3000 people and more than 500 female were taken as hostages.
In 1767, An Othman Pasha named “Amen Pasha”, he was the Mosul Mayor, sent his Son guiding strong-armed troops to fight and loot yezidis in Sinjar. He ordered the yezidi’s leaders to bring 1000 sheep, when they brought only 800 sheep, he became angry and ordered his men to attack them and killed large number of them.
In 1771, Bedagh Beg “one of yezidi’s leaders from Sheikhan region”, revolted against Othman Mayor of Mosul, because of his invitation the yezidis to be Moslems. The Mosul Mayor allied with Bairam Beg “Moslem Kurdish leader”, they killed Bedagh Beg and most of his men.
In 1774, The Othman Mayor of Mosul “Suleiman Pasha”, attack yezidis in Sinjar area. The yezidi villages were looted and destroyed.
In 1779, The Othman Mayor of Mosul sent once more his military units to yezidis area in Sinjar. They killed many and looted their villages.
In 1785, The Othman Mayor of Mosul “Abdel Bagi” attacked the yezidis in Sinjar to punish them. The Moslem attacked units were defeated, and then they allied with Arab tribe leaders for more yezidis punishment.
In 1786/1787, conflict event was raised between yezidi ruler Cholo Beg and Kurdish leader of Imadiyah. Cholo Beg was lost the battle and many yezidis were killed.
In 1789/1790, Ishmael Beg, Prince of Imadiyah killed Cholo Beg from prince family, and crowned one of Cholo Beg relatives named Khanger Beg instead. Khanger Beg obliged to be retired and Hassan Beg, the Son of Cholo Beg was re-crowned instead. The last one revolted the Imadiyah prince Kifbad, and then escapes to Ibn Umr Island. Therefore, Kiad Beg sent his brother Baha Al-Deen Beg with unit armed to fight Hassan Beg, but Baha Al-Deen lost the battle and many of his soldiers were killed. The ruler Kurd of Imadiyah caught and hanged him later.
In 1792/1793, the Othman Mayor of Mosul, Mohammed Pasha Al-Jalili, destroyed and burned eight yezidi villages in Sinjar area.
In 1794, the Mosul Mayor regained the attack on a village from Sinjar area called Mehrcan to punish yezidis but he failed and lost the battle.
In 1795, the Ottomans sent Suleiman Pasha, with the aid of Kurd prince named Abdullah Beg Kahin and Abdurrahman Pasha prince of Sulaimania “Kurdish government”, to Sinjar yezidi’s area. They looted, burned down, and destroyed the villages, also abducted 60 women and confiscate 650 of domestic animals.
In 1799/1800, Abdul Aziz Beg Al-Shawi, the Mayor of Baghdad destroyed and burned down 25 yezidi villages in Shiekhan area. Women and children were abducted and 45 persons were executed, and their heads were brought to Baghdad as a kind of traditional of those days of battles win.
In 1802/1803, the Mosul Mayor, Ali Pasha decided to control Sinjar area administration. While his armies attacked the yezidis from the north, and by Arab tribes from the south. This lasted for months and several yezidi villages destroyed and fields were burned down, and they lost the battle. The yezidis accepted the Othman administration, but most of them were obliged to change their religion to Islam. The battle was begun in 1807 and 50 yezidi villages were destroyed again.
In 1809/1810, Suleiman Pasha Gatel, the Othman Mayor of Baghdad attacked the yezidi area in Sinjar. His units looted Sinjar itself and Mehrkan and other yezidi villages, besides killing many yezidis.
In 1832, the yezidis subjected to the most severe event as mentioned by H.Layard p.276. In 1832, Bader- Khan Beg “Kurdish Prince of Botan”, controlled Shikhan yezidi area administration, and took the yezidi leader Ali Beg a prisoner, tortured and killed him, and right now the area named in his name “Shallal Gully Ali Beg”, in north of Iraq. The area was burned down and looted, all Moslems Kurds were allied and committed unprecedented massacre of yezidis as non-believers people. Many of the remained of yezidis who tried to pass the Tigris river for escape to Sinjar area to avoid capture, were followed by the Moslems and they threw themselves into the river near Mosul. Most of them couldn’t swim either sunk or captured to face his fate of killing or to change his religion to be Moslem.
In 1833, the Kurdish ruler of Rawanduz known as Mohammed attacked the yezidis at Aqra area according to a religious mandate from Mullah Yahiya Al-Muzuri ”Kurdish Moslem religious leader”. They killed 500 of yezidis in the upper Zab area. Then Aqra area was administrated by Ishmael Pasha, who withdraws up to Zikar Mountains and then attack Sinjar area and killed many yezidis.
In 1838, the Othman Mayor of Diyarbakir attacked the yezidis in Sinjar area and killed many of them. In the same year, the Othman Mayor of Mosul Tayar Pasha attacked Jaddala area in Sinjar ordering them to pay taxes and sympathy to the Othman authorities. Tayar Pasha visited the area and sent mediators to the yezidis in Mehrkan village to hear to their complains. The yezidis killed his mediators, then he tried to revenge and destroyed the area. The yezidis withdrawn to the caves and tried to harm the enemies through ambushes. When Tayar Pasha felt that great loss of his army, he returned back to Mosul and a period of peaceful was achieved in the area.
In 1892, the well known attack on yezidis by Othman leader Omer Wahbi Pasha. The yezidis were subjected to a new persecuted action and the Ottoman leader wanted them to accept either to be Moslems or they might pay taxes or face destruction. But, the yezidis leaders refused their orders and therefore, Omar pasha allied with the Moslem Kurds against the yezidis and their armed units entered Sheikhan and Sinjar areas. This accident, cost yezidis about 15,000 people who accepted Islam to push the revenge and massacre. It is well documented that, when his units entered the yezidi areas they looted every thing and committed mass killings, and then they attacked the Sheikh Adi Pilgrimage in Lalish and took away its sacred things into Mosul. Then this pilgrimage place converted into Islamic school for 7 years. In 1893, and after many protested letters and demands to the Othman authorities especially from the Christian people, Omer Wahbi Pasha was recalled to the Othman capital.
In 1906, Mr. Saddeeq Al-Dammalogi, the mayor of Mezory area and the author of the Yisidism book, received an order from Mayor of Mosul to kick yezidis out from the lalish temple and use it as Islamic school. He took with him Islamic Kurdish teacher named Salem Afandi and four Kurdish students. While, he is negotiating with yezidi’s prince and persuading him to obey the order, one of the students shout the Islamic mid-night prayer and here every thing was ended and the yezidis were left the temple for a year.
During the First World War (1914 to 1917), the yezidis felt that it was a good opportunity to get rid of the Othman Moslems terrorism and they embraced more than 20,000 Armenian people who suffered severely during their previous living there in Turkey.
All these military campaigns were documented by Islamic authors and there are much more than these. The obvious evidence that the yezidi’s had been violence, their number in Iraq only was more than one million people during the period (1700-1800). Because of those military attacks their number was decreased to about 650,000 people in Iraq.
(#): A lecture by Prof. Dr. Khaza'al Al-Majidi, April 18, 2005. Baghdad.

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