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اهلا وسهلا بكم في موقع الباحث علي سيدو رشو

The enjoyment of human rights in Iraq, especially in disputed region, continued to be undermined by growing insecurity, high levels of violence and a break down in law and other resulting from the action of insurgents. The right to life continued to be severely affected by the ongoing insurgency, terrorist attacks as well as revenge killings and action by armed groups.
  It is of grave concern that numerous cases of abuse and intimidations are frequently inadequately investigated and therefore unpunished. Such a situation may encourage further acts of violence and crime. Accordingly, thousands of individuals and families from Ezidis, Christians and Sabe’ans have left and continue to leave their homes and are seeking refuge to European countries and among the members of the same ethnic/religious group as a result of threatening or other form of intimidation and violence.  
  It is well known that Ezidism being one of the oldest religions in the world and has greatly influenced the history of mankind. Ezidis are indigenous to Iraq with religious practice and a unique ethnic group, with a religious, language, and culture distinct from Arab and Kurdish cultures among whom they live. The truth, always evident from old and new publishing alike, is that this religious culture was alive and dominant there as in more than 2000 years B.C.
  The Ezidis believe in one God, without any companion and seven angels created by him, while adhering to the rules and regulations of Ezidism are called Ezidis. After more than 72 massacres and mass killings, most of them took place during the Ottoman empire era, which supported mostly by Islamic Fatwa from Kurdish religious leaders and only a small number of the Ezidi population remains. According to unofficial estimates, the number of Ezidis in Iraq is about 500,000 people, while they were more than one million in 1700, and now their population around the globe varies between 1-1.250 million.
  The decreased Ezidi population is moreover dispersed throughout the world. At present, they are living mainly in Iraq, Syria, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Russian Federation. A large groups of Ezidis have been migrated to the European countries, primarily to Germany and then to other parts of the world. After 2003 invasion, the number of migrants and kind of migration, especially from Iraq, is significantly increased due to the insecurity situations. Under pro-Arab Saddam regime, Ezidi towns and villages suffered from repression and neglect. As a result, they found themselves in a severe state of poverty and illiteracy. They resisted the regimes required to register themselves as Arab in ethnicity, wanting to preserve their unique cultural identity.
Now, the Kurdish policy against the Ezidis unique identity is the same policy as before 2003 invasion, so the migration of Ezidis is obviously increased and consequently their number in the home land is significantly decreased. They feel fearful that their rights as a separate culture and ethnicity will disappear in new Iraq. The Kurdish government announced several times that Kurdistan is safe and can protect the minorities from violence, but unfortunately, what happened in 14 and 15/2/2007 in Sheikhan and later the burning of hotels, restaurants, massages centers and other Ezidis and Christians investments in 02/12/2011 is clear evidence that Kurdistan is also not the safety place for them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=eQKoWlaPam8
Also, the extinction of Iraqi ethnic and religious minorities is quite clear from this international report. <http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/49749d0641.html>.
According to a British study “Lancet Magazine”, the number of Iraqi killed from the civilians from 2003 is 12,284 people. So, with a simple calculation, the number of civilians killed from the Yezidis, which exceeded 668 people, gives very clear evidence that they are the most victimized among other Iraqi society groups who suffered from the terrorist attacks. http://arabic.rt.com/news_all_news/news/566030

The Extinction of Iraqi religious minorities 
The Ezidis provides an excellent example of a minority group with very specific concerns. Almost all Ezidis live together in and around the so-called “disputed territories”. Even though they are minorities at regional and national levels, they are often majorities inside their own villages. Consequently, they have not been forced to leave their homes to the same degree as other groups that are more thinly spread and exposed across Iraq, such as the Mandaeans or the Christians. This does not mean, however, that the Ezidis have escaped persecution. During research undertaken in 2008, it was reported that there have been no Ezidis in Mosul since 2007 due to their violent targeting by extremist groups. Unlike Christians who have the option of paying a tax to radical Islamic groups in order to stay in their homes, the Ezidis can only choose between conversion, expulsion or execution. In April 2007, alleged Sunni Al-Qaeda militants targeted Ezidi individuals, commandeering a bus carrying 23 Ezidi men and executing them(1). In the same year, the affiliates of the same extremist group attacked a Ezidi community, which would turn out to be “…the single most devastating terrorist attack of the Iraq war…” 250-500 Ezidis among two villages in the Nineveh Plains were murdered by a series of truck bombs.

Many Islamic extremists consider the Yezidi to be “devil worshippers” and extremist leaders have openly called for their killing should they refuse to convert. Research conducted in 2008 revealed a recording of Imam Mullah Farzanda, who preaches in the Dohuk Governorate of Iraq’s Kurdistan region. In this recording, Imam Mullah Farzanda made statements during one of his Friday sermons that declared it the duty of all “good Muslims to kill any Yezidis in Iraq”(2) if they refused to convert to Islam. Extremists have made the Yezidis a direct target, despite their relative isolation and small population numbers.

The Yezidi are of Kurdish lingual and ethnic descent;[3] their religion has been traced back to elements from 4,000 years ago, where the religion appears “…to be a synthesis of pagan, Zoroastrian, Manichaean, Jewish, Nestorian Christian and Muslim elements.”[4] It is based mainly on the teachings of Shaykh ʿAdī.[5] In addition to being religiously dualist, they uniquely deny any descendence from Eve and believe their origins to be only from Adam. Thus, intermarriage with non-Yezidis is prohibited and conversion is impossible. According to Yezidi beliefs, they can only be baptized at the sanctuary of Shaykh ʿAdī in Lalish, found in the region of Sheykhan in Iraqi Kurdistan.[6] This sanctuary is the centre of their faith and critical as a site to perform their religious rites. This explains the extreme attachment that they have to their land, temple and community. The social chaos that has spread throughout Iraq since 2003 has threatened to undermine this community’s ability to practice their religious beliefs. In the Iraqi village of Qal`at Shihan, for example, Yezidis have traditionally been the majority; in recent years they have moved to becoming a minority in their own village because of the huge influx of displaced peoples fleeing sectarian violence in other parts of the country. This demographic transition has been difficult for the Yezidis, who have expressed anxiety about their new exposure to potentially hostile groups.

In addition, the Yezidi communities have socio-religious constraints that make their demographic situation susceptible to further disruption. As previously mentioned, their religion does not permit intermarriage with non-Yezidis and moreover, there is a caste system within the Yezidi faith that discourages marriage between the varying castes. These strict social rules surrounding marriage, combined with the Yezidis’ already small population, make their forced displacement very harmful to their populations’ demographic viability.

[1] World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - Iraq: Yezidis (Minority Rights Group International, April 2008). Source: <http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/49749d0641.html>.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (Cambridge University Press, 72: 301-333, 2009).
[6] Ibid.
Due to the already small size of the Ezidi population, the attachment to their land and their strict caste system, the violence and dispersal that they are enduring could lead to the extinction of this millennial-old group. Consequently, the Ezidis interviewed stated their need for their unique cultural identity to be recognized and protected by regional and national governments In particular, they want their religious places in Lalish and their villages to be protected. Many have expressed that the best solution would be a secular Iraqi government – one that will protect their rights equal to the rights of other groups
World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - Iraq: Yezidis (Minority Rights Group International, April 2008). Source: <http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/49749d0641.html>.
2 Ibid.

Eezidi Current problem:

First. Threatening
From the early start after the American invasion 2003, the insurgents continue threatening the Ezidis:
1. On 26.06.2007 the insurgents distributed CDs in Sinjar-Domiz, warning the Ezidis to leave their houses; otherwise they will face the death.
2. On 19.07.2007, the Islamic fanatic threatened the Ezidis and Christians to flee from Mosul and also warned the Muslims from the country sides around Nineveh province to be back to Mosul city, so that they could control the religious and ethnic minorities in the Nineveh province and that make them the easiest target.
3. The following is one of the most severe and direct threat from one of the Kurdish fanatics called “Mullah Farzanda”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8OhhRdDtZw
4. Fanatics threatened Ezidis a week before the deadly blasts on 14.08.2007 in Sinjar.
5. The fanatics distributed and hanged reports around Nineveh province Mosques and university of Mosul inviting the non-Muslims to leave the city, otherwise they will face death.
6. During Ramadan in 2004, two Ezidis from Sinjar, Hazim shingali and Suleiman Farso were killed because they smoked a cigarette in front of Muslims.
7. By March 2004, flyers had appeared in Mossul calling Muslims to kill all Ezidis in return eternal benefits granted. On September 23, 2004, pamphlets circulating the University of Mossul, threatened all female students and teachers, who did not cover their hair. In the nearby town of Sheikhan, one week later October 1, 2004 the Imam of the Omar al-Khattab Mosque Karim Mohamed Aaref invited all Ezidis to convert to Islam, otherwise there would be a severe punishment. Sheikhan is the city with the highest population of Eezidis in the area and including the Ezidi headquarter of the prince and Baba Sheikh (Pop). www.jesiden.de/44.0.html?&tx...135&tx...48
8. On October 16, 2004 the Prince of the Eezidi community, Mir Tahsin Beg, was attacked by insurgents in Sheikhan near Baàdra village.
  1. As in past centuries, a fatwa, or religious verdict, has been issued by radical Islamic clergy to justify the persecution and killing of infidels such as the Ezidis based on verses from the Quran.
10. The newspaper al-Itijah al-akhar no. 164 on January 10, 2004 published an article by Adnan Muhammad al-Toba in which the Ezidis were called criminals. He called upon the Muslim community to take actions against all non-believers.
11. On February 15, 2007 more than two thousands of Kurdish Moslems gunmen attacked the Ezidis civilians in Sheikhan (50 kms to the north of Mosul city in the north of Iraq), and targeted their religious and cultural symbols as below.
a-     They looted and burned the “Lalish social and cultural center”.
b-     They also looted and burned the “Youths social and cultural center”.
c-     Burned “Hussein Baba-Sheikh’s general meeting hall”.
d-     Burned “Two private houses”.     a) Nofal Joki and b) Khudaida Dashto.
e-     Burned “One alcohol shop” the owner named Darman Rasho.
f-     Burned “Three private vehicles” at the front of the Prince Tahssin Beg’s house.
g-     Bombed and shooted the Prince Tahssin Beg house.
h-     Two Ezidi shrine symbols in Sheikhan were abused and shooted with shoes and their doors were pulled out.
    During the events, the insurgents were raising the Islamic slogans of “Alllllah Akbar”, as a sign to have dealing with unbelievers. Testimonies, a legated that the Kurdish troops “peshmerga” also were colluding with the Kurdish insurgents’ gunmen and shooted down the prince house and other Eezidi houses and the people randomly. www.jesiden.de/44.0.html?&tx, http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=attack+on+on+Yezidis+in+sheikhan%2F14.2.2007&aq=f
12. A triple explosion took place 07.11.2012 in Bashiqa and Bahzani Ezidi villages, 13 km, north east Mosul and caused killing of two Ezidi men and destroying of many shops and private houses.
13. A car bombed in Sinjar 13.09.2012 and caused several injures and destroying of many private houses.
14. A car bombed in an Ezidi wedding tent when they were celebrating on 17.12.2012 north Mosul in Baber village and caused many injures and destroying of many private houses.
15. The most direct, dangerous and serious threating when Mulla Dr. Abdel Wahed Mohamad Saleh threat Ezidis directly due to the following link.
16. Threatening the students in Mosul University, not only the Ezidis but also the student from other nationalities who are from other regions in Iraq.
17. Threatening more than 5,000 Ezidi families in Rabe'eha to leave their agriculture fields after killing 6 persons in front of their women and children on 2 and 8.05.2014.
18. A car bombed in front of alcohole shop belong to Ezidis in Kirkuk and caused to kill 8 persons and 17 injured. http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?85146
19. Threatening the Ezidis and other religious minorities in Nineveh by ISIS after June10, 2014.

Second. Kidnapping: Here are the names, date of kidnapping and the ransom paid as a price for their release, but some of them were killed even after paying the ransom. (*)

1. Hassan Silo Khalaf Beshar (**), 27.02.2007. He was released after paying ransom 50,000 $.
2. Khalid Dakhil Saido, 17.03.2007. He was released because his father was a yezidi leader.
3. Khuder Kutti Khalaf Loko (**), 01.04.2007. He was released after paying 30,000$.
4. Khalid Garis, 20.05.2007. After paying ransom 25,000$
5. Mohsen Rafo Hassan, 20.05.2007. After paying ransom 25,000$
6. Faraj Abo Rashid, 20.05.2007. After paying ransom 25,000$
7. Serwan Hamid, 20.05.2007. After paying ransom 20,000$
8. Sattar Khuder Hasso., 20.05.2007. After paying ransom 20,000$
9. Mirza Khalaf Faris, 03.06.2007. He was released after paying 20,000$.
10. Hussein Khalaf, 27.06.2007. He was killed after paying 10,000$
11. Gulistan Kanno Khalid (female), 16.04.2008. By Kurdish Muslim guy from Duhok
12. Haifa Kanno Khalid (female), 16.04.2008. By Kurdish Muslim from Duhok.
13. Najat Hussein (married female), 04.02.2008 by Kurdish Muslim from Sinjar called Bashar Ali.
14. Bairam Tariq Hassan Reshman (female), 08.03.2008 by Muslim guy from Sheikhan.
15. Falah Hassan Elias, 07.06.2011 killed by terrorists in Mosul after ransom 10,000$.
16. Kamal Said Jallo, 28.06.2011 in Sulaimania, Kurdistan.
17. Havend Shaibo Yousif, 19.06.2011 in Sinjar by terrorists. They wanted 100,000$ to be released.
18. Khuder Hajji Merza, (**)14.03.2011 in Sinjar near the police cheque point. 40,000$
19. Dawood Suleiman Ali (**), 14.03.2011 in Sinjar from near of the police cheque point. 20,000$
20. Jamil Hurmi Rasho (**), 14.03.2011 in Sinjar from near of the police cheque point. 20,000$
21. Murad Hassan Suleiman, 07.06.2011. He was released after paying ransom 25,000$.
22. A girl 9 years old was kidnapped from Dogri/ village/Sinjar and her family found the body after couple of days 06.12.2009.
23. Missing of Gold merchant in Qahtaniyah/ Sinjar 27.12.2009.
24. Nethal Tariq (female from Sheikhan), she was kidnapped by Kurdish Muslim from Sheikhan.
25. Avan Farman Saleh (female from Sheikhan), kidnapped by Kurdish Muslim person 04.01.2010.
26. Mahabad Ido (female from Sheikhan), kidnapped by Kurdish Muslim and issued their documents in Mosul court.
27. Dr. Nada Saber Ali (female from Bashiqa), was kidnapped Arab person, Sheikhan 2009.
28. Three people were kidnapped (Khuder Hamo Khalaf (**)  24.9.2011, and
29. Saido Hussein Findi (**), 24.9.2011 they both are from Al-Jazeera village (Siba sheikh khuder), and 
30. Hamo Haider Qasim is from Sheikhan). 24.9.2011.
31. Farhan Hassan Saido and Nawzad Khuder Khdaida in Sinjar by unknown 23.08.2012.
 http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?42443. They were killed on 18.11.2012 when their families refused to pay 600,000$ as a ransom, and here is the link of their killing. 
32. A Ezidi person was kidnapped southwest Kirkuk on 06.11.2012 and released on 19.11.2012 after paying 50,000 $ ransom. http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/archive/index.php/t-46413.html, 
33. A child of 12 year old was kidnapped on 28.11.2012 and the kidnapper wanted 20,000$. 
34. A young girl (11 year old), kidnapped by Kurdish Muslim man from Sheikhca village in Sheikhan on 09/01/2013.  http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?51362.
35. Alcohol shop belong to Ezidi man called Kawa Khudaida Rasho in Docan was threatened and they took 600,000 IDs after insulting together him with his friend Darman Imael from Doghat village.
36. Ayoung Ezidi man from Grzarek was kidnapped on 23.03.2013 and the insurgents demand 150,000$.  http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?56903.
37. Ayoung Ezidi man called Tamim from Bashiqa was kidnapped by insurgents in Mosul on 10.04.2013, and was released after paying 60,000 $ as a rasnum.
38. Subhy Bibo Khudaida is kidnapped in Bahquba on 02.05.2013 when he was on his way to his job. http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?60193

39. Seamand Dakhel Hajji from Bashiqa was kidnapped in Mosul on 18.05.2013.
40. Nafea Ido Ady (female), kidnapped in Dohuk by a Muslim Kurd.

41. Merza Ismael Qolo from Tel-Uzer, kidnapped on 11.04.2014.
42. A 16 year old girl from Bahzani is kidnapped by a Muslim Kurd man on 22.05.2014
43. Sharif Pir Siso kidnapped in Baghdad on 09.06.2014
44. Sadam Kheo Nermo from Sheikhan were kidnapped in Kirkuk on 10.06.2014
45. Hokar Baper
46. Ziad Baper
47. Delgash Hassan
48. Brhem Elias Osman kidnapped by insurgents south Sinjar 10.06.2014
49. Khalaf Kheder Hainto
50. Shuker Khalil Ibrahem
51. Jerdo Kheder Rasho
52. Hassan Felet Domu
53. Faisal Ajeel Rasho
54. Sa'ad Darwesh Hainto were kidnapped by insurgents on 12.06.2014 and released for a ransom 50,000 $ for every one.
55. Murad Darwesh is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
56. Merza Hussein Shahen is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
57. Ziad Haji is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
58. Abdallah Rasho is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
59. Khalil Murad Bazo is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
60. Saido Malo is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
61. Khudaida Haji is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
62. Hussein Elias Abbas from Borek is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
63. Isa Sa'ed Sa'ado from Borek is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
64. Farhan Yousif Gernos from Sinjar is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
65. Naef Abbas Hamo from Seba Shekh kheder is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
66. Khalel Elias Joko from Seba Shekh kheder is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
67. Rakan Khero Ali from Telbanat is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
68. Jalal Sabri Umar from Telbanat is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
69. Shaker Elias Ibrahim from Telbanat is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
70. Ra'ed Sulaiman Merza from Telbanat is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
71. Falah Hassan Kheder Murad from Gohbal is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
72. Ismael Hussein Jerry from Gohbal is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
73. Qasem Shevan Qasem from Dohola is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom
74. Khaled Saleh  Khalaf from Dohola is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
75. Qasem Ido Umar from Dohola is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
76. Shevan Osman Mahmood from Teluzer is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
77. Barakat Khudaida Qasem from Teluzer is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
78. Khalel Atto Rasho from Teluzer is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
79. Haider Khalaf Rasho from Khanasor is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
80. Ra'ed Barkat Havi from Senon is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
81. Falah Hassan Kheder from Senon is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and wanted 50,000$ as ransom.
82. Qasem Hussein Fares from Sinjar is kidnapped by ISIS on 12.06.2014 and paid 50,000$ as a ransom and was released on 26.07.2014. 
83. Delshad Sulaiman Qasem from Kucho village south Sinjar is kidnapped on 19.07.2014 by insurgents

(*). www.bahzani.net
(**), the red names are from my village (Al-Jazeera village, also called Siba Sheikh Khuderi).

 Third. The sacrificed (*) people (who killed their selves), 2010&2011
1. Tahsin Khudaida Abdi 20 year old.
2. Aziz Said Aziz 15 y.o.
3. Nazar Khuder Meshko 17 y.o.
4. Umran Umer Elias 18 y.o.
5. Khudaida Hajji Khalaf 37 y.o.
6. Simo Aiso Khalaf 30 y.o.
7. Serwan Dahar Kader 36 y.o.
8. Khalid Nawaf Qutto 29 y.o.
9. Sabah Ishmael Khalil 13 y.o.
10.Nawaf Hamid Yousif 40 y.o.
11.Hamid Qasim Saido 29 y.o.
12.Ali Hssan hajji 24 y.o.
13.Khudaida Darweesh Ali 37 y.o.
14.Hajji Ishmael Ibrahim 29 y.o.
15.Salim Saido Khalil 31 y.o.
16.Hashim Hajji Melko 16 y.o.
17.Hussein Elias Murad 18 y.o.
18.Meskin Qasim Ibrahim 24 y.o.
19.Sarhan Murad Salih 29 y.o.
20.Dawood Ali Abdullah 20 y.o.
21.Ido Jejo 23 y.o. 24.04.2010
22.Ali Khuder Hassan 34 y.o. 03.08.2011
23.Falah Kulli Murad 21 y.o. 11.08.2010
24.young man from Qahtania 21 y.o. 29.06.2011
25.Five persons from different villages in Sinjar 11.05.2011
26.Amera Hussein Ali 15 y.o. (female)
27.Amena Hussein Anjo 18 y.o. female
28.Delo Khalil Abdo 12 y.o. female
29.Shama Shammo Murad 15 y.o. female
30.Marina Marwan Kolo 19 y.o. female
31.Hamdia Khalaf Ali 17 y.o. female
32.Dejla Khalaf Hassn 18 y.o. female
33.Suad Khuder Hassan 15 y.o. female
34.Layal Khudaida Khalil 19 y.o. female
35.Ferial Rasho Kutto 18 y.o. female
36.Layla Svook Beshar 36 y.o. female
37.Zainab Basi Hajji 24 y.o. female
38. Zahri Kawal rasho 28 y.o. female
39. Zainab Hassan Darweesh 31 y.o. female
40. Hadiya Salim Beshar 27 y.o. female
41. Khokhi Said Kherko 35 y.o. female
42. Fati Kutto Hassan 47 y.o. female
43. Jamila Ali Salih 12 y.o. female
44. Layala Afdel Murad 17 y.o. female
45. Khatoon Ammar Khalaf 18 y.o. female
46. Hadiya Khalaf Elias 19 y.o. female
47. Halli Nemer Yousif 30 y.o. female
48. Mahwar Hamad Raffo 29 y.o. female
49. Seve Murad Jerdo 25 y.o. female
50. Sherin Khalil Ibrahim 25 y.o. female
51. Maian Barkat Hassan 21 y.o. female
52. Nora Badal Ali 16 y.o. female
53. Jadia Salim Ali 20 y.o. female 06.06.2011
54. Sabrina Ahmed Khalaf 17 y.o. female 11.05.2011
55. A young girl fired her self 18 y.o. female 22.06.2011
56. Joza Khalaf Shibo 18 y.o. female 22.06.2011
57. A woman fired herseff 37 y.o. female 29.06.2011
58. Layal Ido Rasho 27 y.o. female 18.02.2011
59. Zakko Rasheed 22 y.o. female 21.08.2010
60. Daowran Walati Matto 17 y.o. female 17.04.2010
  1. Layla Khalaf Hasso 16 y.o. Female 19.06.2011
62. two girls fired themselves 16 and 17 y.o. 31.05.2011
  1. Three females fired their selves 08.08.2010
64. Aeshan Ibrahim Hassan 29 y.o. female 21.07.2007
65. Serwan Hussein Shammo Gerzarik/Sinjar 16 y.o., 16.10.2011
66. Female from Tel-Banat/Sinjar 16.10.2011.
67. Young Man Khalil Hassan, from Zoorava in Sinjar 24/8/2010.
68. Four people killed their selves in Sinjar aged between 14-45, in different way. 31/3/2011.
69. A girl of 18 year old from Sinjar/Khanasour killed herself 17/12/2011.
70. Astudent from Bork village in Sinjar. 12.12.2012
71. A woman from Khanasor. 14.12.2012
72. A young 16 year old female student from Neseriya village near Sinjar named Suham Sharaf Hajji. 16.12.2012.
73. A bride named Suad Abdallah Masi from Sinjar/ Telbanat, killed her self with a knife after two weeks of her marriage on 13.02.2012 .
74. Zian Abdi Kummo from Khanik/Duhok, 22 year old, killed hersef. 08.03.2012
75. Young man 20 year old from Sinjar/Gerzarik killed himself 22.03.2012.
76. young woman 20 year old killed herself from Sinjar /Tel/Uzer 22.03.2012.
77. young woman 20 year old from Tel/Uzer fired herself 19.03.2012
78. Zaid Dakhil Joko 18 year old, killed himself in Tel/Uzer from Sinjar 25.03.2012.
79. Ezidi women called Afrah, from Tel-Banat /Sinjar killed herself with automatic gun 15.4.2012. Her father was killed during the horrible flooding in Sinjar 2011.
80.Ayezidi woman (mother of two childern), from Borek/Sinjar killed herself with automatic gun 15.04.2012.
81. A Ezidi bride killed herself with automatic gun after two weeks of her weding in Tel-Banat/Sinjar 15.04.2012
82. Nadia Khudaida Gurri, 27 year old from Khanasor/Sinjar burned herself on 18.04.2012 (the first day of the Ezidi new year). She is a mother of three children.

  1. Aàida Nadim Ido, 22 year old, killed herself in Khanasor/Sinjar. She was the mother of two childern.
  1. Thamina Elias Hassan 24 year old, killed herself on the same day.
  1. Shirin Khalaf Karo 28 year old from Sinjar /Khanasour killed herself on 28.04.2012. She was the mother of three childern.
86. Suham Barjas Khuder 22 y.o., from Khanasor burned herself on 03.07.2012   http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/archive/index.php/t-40349.html
87. Hazar Khuder Khalaf from Dohula\ sinjar killed herself on 08.07.2012
88. A young girl from Ba,adra 20 year old in Sheikhan killed herself with automatic gun on 11.07.2012.
89. A young girl, 18 year old, from Tel-Uzer killed her self on 12.09.2012 with a rope at home.
90. A woman 22 year old from Sinjar (Boreg village), named Gaory Qasim Shammo, killed her self (burnt her self) on 20.01.2013. http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?52022.
91. Zina Hassan Naser, from Dohula/Sinjar killed (burned) herself on 02.02.2013. She was a student in third class in secondary school.  http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?53227.
92. 24 year old Ezidi woman called (K.G) from Sinuni\Sinjar killed herself (burned herself) on 23.02.2013. http://www.ana-hura.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=13687
93. Khalil Jerdo Na'amo from Sinon killed him self wth a gun bullet on 07.04.2013. He was 30 year old, married and have two childern.  http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?58136.
94. A 23 year old woman from Tel-Uzer (Qahtaniya) burnet her self on 08.04.2013, after her husband bit her. http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?58129 

95. Ali Khudaida Shekh Khalaf, 17 year old from El-Jazeera village, killed himself at home with a rope on 25.04.2013. 
96. Zina Hassan Naser, 18 year old from Dohola village, killed herself on 08.02.2013.
97. Maher Pasha Shex Bahri, 22 year old from Rashed village, killed himself on 06.05.2013.
98. Khunaf Khalat Hassan 19 year old from Zorava Village/Sinjar burned herself on 03.06.2013 and died in the Dohuk hospital.
99. Fahema Sa'aid Mando 20 year old, killed herself with a bullet in Qahtaniya village on 08.07.2013
100. Bahar Ido Qasim 20 year old killed herself with a bullet in Qahtaniya village on 08.07.2011
101. Kasem Khudaida Khalaf, 01.07.1972 from Al-Jazeerah village killed himself in prison on 15.07.2013.   https://www.facebook.com/messages/khairi.alo
102. Atto Khuder Khalaf from Al-Jazeera also killed himself after throwing in the river on 15.07.2013. https://www.facebook.com/messages/khairi.alo.
103. Khalil Ibrahim el-Mehky from Khanasor/Sinjar killed himself with automatic gun machine on 8.12.2013. http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?74262
 In the same Bahzani link, you can see that on 2010 the number of self sacrificed were 36 persons, in the year 2011 the number was 70 persons, in the year 2012 the number of sacrificed were 53 persons and in the year 2013 the number was 31. This was due to the local NGOs. As a result, the number is 180 persons from 2010-2013.
104. Samera Khalaf Kret 19 year old from Khanasor fired herself after four months of marrige and died in Duhok hospital on 26.02.2014.
105. Hussein Khalaf Hali 21 year old from Tel-Uzer, killed himself on 27.04.2014 
106. A 20 year young man called shamel Merza Sulaiman Aman from Koch village killed himself on 23.05.2014.
107. A 20 year young girl called Andera Ghandy from Bahzani village killed herself on 23.05.2014.
108. Young woman from Sebsheikh Kheder killed herself with pistol of her husband on 13.07.2014.  http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?88536
(*): more than 60% of the sacrificed were from the two villages which the deadly blasts took place in 14/8/2007 (Siba sheikh khuder and Qahtanyah).

Fourth: Names of the killed people from the Ezidis who are not mentioned the previous lists, which included 545 killed people.

The names killing place Date of killing
1. Mueasser Khuder Tahlo Mosul 23.08.2007
2. Ahmad Merza Tahlo 23.08.2007
3. Darwish Murad Darwish 29.08.2007
4. Sufian Khalat Kundo 29.08.2007
5. Three women Senon 27.08.2007
6. Six women Khanasor 23.09.2007
7. Three youths khanasor 18.11.2007
8. Jalal Hassan Mosul 29.07.2007
9. Khalid Barjas 29.07.2007
10. Layla fro Telkassab Sinjar 30.07.2007
11. Khalil Kutti Enz Mosul 09.08.2007
12. Khalaf Kutti Khuder 09.08.2007
13. Hussein Ali Merza 09.08.2007
14. Hajji Rashid Khalid Sinjar 03.08.2008
15. Murad Qado Kutti 03.08.2008
16. Sulaiman Mendo Ahmed 03.08.2008
17. Barkat Hassan Meho 03.08.2008
18. Umer Murad Hanno 03.08.2008
19. Hajjo Khalil& his son Rabehaa 17.08.2007
20. Saeed Qasim Sinjar 25.08.2010
21. Ibrahim Khuder Safar Baaj 23.07.2007
22. Ismael Khuder Hasso Baaj23.07.2007
23. Hajji Qasim Hajji Mosul 06.09.2007
24. Nawaf Katto 06.09.2007
25. Saeed Gurri and his wife Sinjar 13.09.2007
26. Nawaf Abdi 11.09.2007
27. Elias Khuder Amarki Kerkuk 11.08.2007
28. Khuder Hussein el-Abdali 11.08.2007
29. Layla Kulo Sinjar 20.08.2007
30.Eight persons from one family 16.03.2008(1)
31. Elias Ibrahim Habo  13.08.2009(2)
32. Hassan Saed Kejo 13.08.2009 (2)
33. Sulaiman Shebo 13.08.2009 (2)
34. Majdal Salih Ali 13.08.2009 (2)
35. Barkat Karo 13.08.2009 (2)
36. Jasim Jalal Hussein 13.08.2009 (2)
37. Rasheed Hamma Habo Senoni 29.08.2009 (3)
38. Farid Khalaf Hamma Habo 29.08.2009 (3)
39. Khalaf Rasheed Hamma 29.08.2009 (3)
40. Kathren Ziad Rasheed Hamma 29.08.2009 (3)
41. Barkat Khalaf Murad Findi 29.08.2009 (3)
42. Ismael Matto 29.08.2009 (3)
43. Hassan Msto Sulaiman Sinjar 25.09.2009
44. Malik Barjas Majdeen Sinjar 14.12.2008 (4)
45. Asia Miro 14.12.2008 (4)
46. Sipal Nasir Barjas Majdeen 14.12.2008 (4)
47. Nasir Barjas Majdeen 14.12.2008 (4)
48. Nadia Mahlo 14.12.2008 (4)
49. Taher Mahlo 14.12.2008 (4)
50. barjas Majdeen 14.12.2008 (4)
51. Barez Khalat Ezdeen Dohuk 26.08.2010, kidnapped and killed.
52. Kamal Qasim Telafer 10.08.2010
53. Hajji Qasim 10.08.2010
54. Merza Rasho Kuttu 10.08.2010
55. Bayez Mustafa Ibrahim Baghdad 28.02.2010
56. Sa'aid Yosif Elias from Dohula/Sinuni was killed in Mosul on 11.01.2011
57. Amer Aref Mudor Dohuk 01.11.2010
 58. Fadhel Qasim Naser from Khanasur/Sinuni was killed in Mosul on 13.05.2011
59. Khudaida Umar Haweri Mosul 23.05.2011
60. Umer Rasho Qasim 23.05.2011
61. Majeed Husein Eljarahi Baghdad 02.06.2011
62. Delshad Hajji Beshar 02.06.2011
63. Khuder Joki 02.06.2011
64. Falah Hassan Elias Mosul 07.06.2011
65. Hanan Khalaf Silo Greece 13.07.2011 (5)
66. Khawla Sheikh Khudaida 13.07.2011 (5)
67. Amin Sulaiman Khuder 13.07.2011 (5)
68. Baian Nasir Elias 13.07.2011 (5)
69. Hazar Jamal Rasheed 13.07.2011 (5)
70. Hiam Hameed Darweesh 13.07.2011 (5)
71. Furat Maher Darman 13.07.2011 (5)
72. Ghazi Kret Nafkhosh Baghdad 21.04.2011, bombed the shop.
73. Ahmad Hassan Khuder Sinjar 29.04.2011
74. Three old women Sheikhan 16.01.2011, (*)
75. Farhad Shammo = 18.01.2011
76. Fathel Ali Abdo Baghdad 09.05.2011, bombed the shop
77. Khudaida Ibrahim Khalaf from Guhbal/Sinjar was killed in Mosul on 23.05.2011
78. Four persons from one family Sinjar 30.07.2011 ($)
79. Sarkat Khuder Sayass Baghdad 18.05.2011, bombed the shop
80. Four people killed and 11 were injured in Sinjar/telqassab 06.03.2010 (&).
81. Shaker Bibo Ali, killed by bombing his alcoholic shop in Baghdad 12.05.2011
82. Faisal Hajji Khalil rom Guhbal/Sinjar killed in Mosul on 05.06.2011
83. Safar Shamo Abdal, killed in Baghdad/Russafa bombing his alcoholic shop 16.10.2009.
84. Elias Badal, group of 8 tanks from Mosul military troop attacked his family in Khanasor village/Sinjar, killed him, injured his son Sufian, and looted his personal properties from money as well as the Gold of the family, 18.9.2011.
85. Leshker Mahmood Abdi, killed in Telafer 21.9.2011
86. Khalid Khudaida Safar and his wife were killed at home in Jazeera village 9/10/2011
87. Rediar Shammo Ezdin (16 Y:O), Killed in Baghdad after terror attack their alcohol shop. 17.10.2011
88. Khalid Khudaida Arab Yousif killed in Kirkuk and his two brothers were wounded by Muslim terrors on 24/10/2011.
89. Khudaida Jerdo Husein killed in Sulaimanya with a knife by Indian person when they worked together on 25.10.2011
90. Kamal Elias Katto from Dohula/sinuni killed in Mosul 01.03.2012
91. Khudiada Hussein Poko from Zor-Ava killed in Mosul on 21.03.2012
92. Bapir Hajji Khudaida from Zor-Ava killed in Mosul on 21.03.2012
93. Mohsen Hussein Barjas from Dohula killed in Mosul on 13.05.2012
94. Hussein Elias Hassan from Boreg/Sinuni killed in Mosul on 15.05.2012
95. Darweesh Umer Mando from Hatten killed in Rabeeha on 10.06.2012
96. Hameed Kalil from Zora'va killed in Mosul on 06.07.2012
97. Jalal Mechi Asso from Sinjar\ killed in Teluzer, 15.08.2012
98. Mehlo Mechi Asso from Sinjar\ killed in Teluzer 15.08.2012
99. Hussein Baker Ahmad from Tel-qasab killed in Mosul on 13.05.2012
100. A yezidi worker is killed when the insurgents bombed their alcohol shop on 28.06.2012
 101. An Ezidi merchant killed in Mosul by unknown insurgents on 02.07.2012. http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/archive/index.php/t-39435.html
102. Ragheed Khairy Juma,a and Khaula Abdulrahman were killed in a triple explosion in Bashiqa\ northeast Mosul on 07- 10.11.2012. 
103. Khosti Ahmad Matto from Hatten killed in Tel-afer on 19.09.2012
104. Faisal Elias Sedo from Andales/sinuni killed in Ba'aj on 01.10.2012
105. Sharaf Shallal Isa from Sinuni killed in Mosul on 02.10.2012
106. Aman and his wife were killed in Sinjar by insurgents on 21.11.2012. 
107. Falah Hassan Sedo from Zor-Ava killed in Mosul on 01.11.2012
108. A pregnant woman was died on 25.11.2012 because of bleeding before she could reach the hospital between Sinjar and Dohuk .
109. Naozad Khuder Khudaida from Zor-Ava killed in Mosul on 16.11.2012
110. Three Ezidis were killed and the other three were injured after attack by insurgents in Sinjar on 29.09.2012. http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/archive/index.php/t-44318.html
111. Sa'aid Murad Khalaf from Sinuni killed in Mosul 19.12.2012
112. The Mayor of Sheikhan (Mr. Hasso Nermo Hussein), was killed in a mysterious situation in Dohuk on 12.01.2013. http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?51322.
113. A Ezidi policeman (Ido Shammo Darweesh), was killed by an intendet accedent in Sheikhan on 14.01.2013.  http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?51436
112. A Ezidi police (Khairy Majdeen Shinko), was killed in Mosul by a Taxi driver belong to el-qaeda on 09.01.2013. http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?51099
115. Hady Khalaf Sulaiman from Bara/Sinuni killed in Rabiyha on 11.09.2013 116. A Ezidi woman called (Kawi Khudaida Qasim), from Sinjar was behaded by insurgents on 10.12.2012 after robbing jewels and abig amount of money.
117. two Ezidis (Barakat Khudaida Khalaf and Naef Khudaida Kechoch), were killed 20.01.2013 inside the house of Hamady Kherro (the leader of Khawatna tribe) in Abu-Khuema which belongs to Al-Baaj 30 km south Sinjar.  http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?51954
118. Ziad Laso Jundi from Babera village north Mosul, an ezidi officer killed in Tuzkhurmato/Kirkuk on 6.2.2013.  http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?53322
119. Farhan Salim Ali is killed on 07.03.2013 when a car was bombed there. Also, other four persons were injured (Elias Fayomi, Sabah Fayomi, Tawfiq Hammo and Haitham Abdal). 
120. on 03.03.2103 two Ezidi youngs were killed in Erbil. http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?55315.
121. Daly Naef Utaish and Khalaf Khudaida Hamo were killed in Mosul on 24.03.2013.
122. Bahar Murad Ismael and her hasbund were killed at home in Siba Shekheder on 02.04.2013 in a mesterious situation. http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?57634
123. Hali Khudaida Hammo, sinjar/Hatten, was killed in Mosul on 24.03.2013.

124. Elias Khalaf Elias from Seba-Sheikh Khuder was killed in Mosul on 18.04.2013.
125. Elias Murad Hussein from Seba-Sheikh Khuder was killed in Mosul on 18.04.2013.
126. Hussein Hajji Kalo was killed in Mosul on 05.06.2011. https://www.facebook.com/messages/100002762165633
127.Tariq Elias Shekh Diro killed in Baghdad by terrorists on 03.05.2013
128. Saddam Hussein from Srejka killed in Baghdad by terrorists on 03.05.2013.
129. Ibn Shaker Dino from Srejka killed in Baghdad by terrorists, on 03.05.2013
130.RadhwanRasheed from Mahad killed in Baghdad by terrorists on 03.05.2013.
131. Mulhem Ali Jammo from Beban killed in Baghdad by terrorists on 03.05.2013.

132. Adel Shex Hussein from Seba Shexkhuder was killed in Mosul when he was on his duty with his colleagues. 

 133. Sabah Ali Abdal from Khatarah, killed in Baghdad when their alcohol shop is attacked on 14.05.2013.
134. Bibo Barso from Doghata village killed in Baghdad when their alcohol shop is attacked on 14.05.2013.
135. Waleed Abdi from Doghata village killed in Baghdad when their alcohol shop is attacked on 14.05.2013.
136. Sufian Ali Breem from Doghata village killed in Baghdad when their alcohol shop is attacked on 14.05.2013.
137. Mazen Joki Murad from Doghata village killed in Baghdad when their alcohol shop is attacked on 14.05.2013.
138. Moa’aiad Salim Kasso from Doghata village killed in Baghdad when their alcohol shop is attacked on 14.05.2013.
139. Salman Shaker from Doghata village killed in Baghdad when their alcohol shop is attacked on 14.05.2013.
140. Thamer Yousif from Doghata village killed in Baghdad when their alcohol shop is attacked on 14.05.2013.
141. Sarbast Hadi from Bozan Village from Doghata village killed in Baghdad when their alcohol shop is attacked on 14.05.2013.
142. Faisal Mahmod Khuder Soro from Sinjar/Guhbal, killed in Sinuni on 18.6.2013
143. Ali Elias Mardos from Adnania was kidnapped and killed on 2013.
144. Atto Alo from Doghat village is killed in alcohol shop in Baghdad on 19.06.2013
145. Samy Khero Ali Sosa killed in Mosul when a bomb was explosed on 03.07.2013
146. Ido Sharaf Bapeer killed in Sinjar on 5.7.2013 in a mysterious situation and the people found his body in an incomplete house.
147. Ali Sa'ado Bro and his brother Murad Sa'ao Bro from Ezidi Syria were killed by insurgents in Al-Asadyia village on 17.08.2013 
148. Hajji Barakat Namer from Shariya village - Dohuk by insurgents on 13.08.2013 and they robbed his gold and 30 million Iraqi Dinner. http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?66620.
149. Amin Saeed Rasho from Sinjar was killed by unknown insurgents while he was working in Baghdad in alcohol shop on 17.09.2013.  http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?69004
150. Sa'ad Qasim Rasho from Sinjar was killed by unknown insurgents while he was working in Baghdad in alcohol shop on 17.09.2013.  http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?69004
151. An Ezidi worker in alcohol shop was killed with a knife by a clint in Baghdad on 17.09.2013
152. Serwan Ido Gares from Hatara village is not absent from 2007 right now there is no information about him.
153. Sharo Khalil Doman also was with his friend Serwan and from 2007 there is no any information about him. 
154. Ido Hassan Sharo from Serejka killed in Mosul on 10/10/2013 by gunmen when he was on his way to back home. He was woring in Alcohol shop. 
155. Sharif Hajji Ali from Serejka killed in Mosul on 10/10/2013 by gunmen when he was on his way to back home. He was woring in Alcohol shop.
156. Another person called Sa'eed Saleem Ali Reshman from the same village was with them also killed in Mosul after severe injur. 
157. Sawsan Janger Ido, behaded with knife by insurgents on 17.10.2013 in Tel-Kasab villge 10 km south east Sinjar. 
158. the Child Rakan Marwan Sarhan Ido, was behaded with knife by insurgents on 17.10.2013 in tel-kasab village south east Sinjar.
159. the child Rayan Marwan Sarhan Ido, was behaded with knife by insurgents on 17.10.2013 in Tel-kasab village 10 km south east Sinjar.
160. the child Zina Marwan Sarhan Ido, was behaded with knife by insurgents on 17.10.2013 in Tel-kasab village 10 km south east Sinjar.  
161. Khairy Khalil Qazmeer, from Bashiqa killed in Mosul on 28.11.2013, he was driver and taking daily the students from Bashiqa to Mosul University. 
162. Salem Taufiq from Bahzani killed in Mosul on 28.11.2013, he was driver and taking daily the students from Bashiqa to Mosul University.
163. Sabhan Cholo from Bahzani killed in Mosul on 28.11.2013, he was driver and taking daily the students from Bashiqa to Mosul University. http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?t=73537
164. Nazar Murad Ali from Tel-Uzer killed in Mosul on 24.11.2013 by insurgents with pistol silencer sound.
165. Suzan Ido Khudaida Shebo from Sinjar/Tel-kassab was killed by insurgents at her house on 28.11.2013.   http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?73578
166. Khalil Rasho Darweesh from
Sinjar/Tel-kassab was killed by insurgents at her house on 28.11.2013.   http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?73578
167. Rakan Semo Qasim Halo from Khanasor/sinjar kileed by unknown insurgents on 21.12.2013
168. Esmael Mahal Hasso from Kocho village/sinjar, army, killed on 28.01.2014 in Hussaiba.
169. Falah Hassan Khalaf Baker from Zorava, army, killed on 28.01.2014 in Hussaiba.
170. Nory Sulaiman Khalaf from Sinjar, killed in Mosul 19.03.2014.
171. Adnan Nawaf Khudaida Bozy police officer in Mosul electric power point from Sinony, killed in Mosul on 27.03.2014.http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?81906
172. Faisal Kret Badal from Khanasor, killed in Mosul on 13.04.2014
173. Barakat Hussein Elias ( Faqir from Karsy), killed in Sardashty on 12.04.2014 by insurgents.
174. Hazem Kheder Ma'amko, killed in Sinjar mountain with other four persons of a Muslim family on 10.04.2014.   http://www.bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?82716
175. Khudaida Khalaf Khudaida from Khanasor village, killed in Muhalabiya south west Mosul on 17.04.2014.
176. Qaso Saleh Qaso from Zorava village, killed in Muhalabiya south west Mosul on 17.04.2014.
177. Rasho Ubaid Saido from Zorava, killed in Mosul on 23.04.2014.
178. Qolo Khudaida Qasim from (Siba shiekh khude village), killed in Hamdanya on 29.04.2014.
179. Kari Khalaf Kari from Hattin village, killed in Rabe'eha 02.05.2014.
180. Khuder Elias Ravo from Siba-Sheikh Kuder village killed in Rabe'eha 02.05.2014.
181. Silo Khalil Ibrahem from Khanasor village, killed on 08.05.2014 in Rabe'eha
182. Ibrahem Hameed Khalaf Sulaiman from Khanasor village on 08.05.2014 in Rabe'eha
183. Khairy Khuder Khalil Ibrahem from Khanasor killed in Rabe'eha on 08.05.2014
184. Hashem  Khuder Khalil Ibrahem from Khanasor killed in Rabe'eha on 08.05.2014
185. Nuhman Khudaida Ezdo from mahad old village, killed in Baghdad alcohol shop on 09.05.2014.  http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?84176
Note: More than 4,000 families were evicted and left their interests and agricultural fields behind after threatening, which may costs one million dollar.
186. Hassan Jejo Hajji from Shekhan killed north Mosul by insurgent on 12.05.2014
187. Shvan Hamo from Seba-shekh Kheder village is killed by insurgents in Sinjar on 20.05.2014.
188. Khairy Elias Ismael from Tel-Uzer village is killed by insurgents in Sinjar on 20.05.2014.
189. Nada Ibrahim Murad (Khairy Elias's wife) from Tel-Uzer is killed by insurgents in Sinjar on 20.05.2014.http://bahzani.net/services/forum/showthread.php?84803
190. Daham Darwesh Hamed from Khanasor killed in Mosul on 08.o6.2014
191. Shamo Abbas Haly from Seba-sheikh is killed in Rabe'eha on 10.06.2014.
192. Amen Ibrahem Hassan from Tel-Kasab is killed in Hussaiba on 12.06.2014
193. Kamal Khudaida Qasim from Tel-kasab is killed in Hussaiba on 12.06.2014
194. Hawas Elias Qasim from Zorava is killed in Hussaiba on 12.06.2014
195. Esmael Rasho Nafso from Tel-Kasab is killed in Hussaiba on 12.06.2014
196. Hady Saleh Ali from Seba sheikh killed on 12.06.2014
197. Sa'ado Haji Kheder Qary from Senon is killed in Hussaiba on 12.06.2014
198. Kamal Sa'ado Saleh from Dogry (Hatten) is killed in Hussaiba on 12.06.2014
199. Maher Khalaf Uso from Khanasor is killed in Mosul after releasing from Badush prison on 12.06.2014 
200. Mamo Esmael Hussein Homo from Dogry is killed in Mosul after releasing from Badush prison on 12.06.2014
201. Elias Khudaida Svok from Dogry is killed in Mosul after releasing from Badush prison on 12.06.2014  
202. Bashar Hassan Haji Rashoka from Khanasor is killed in Mosul by insurgent groups 13.06.2014. His body reached Khanasor on 21.06.2014 after paying ransom.
203. Naef Porto
204. Samy Baper Rasha
205. faisal Matto Qasem
206. Shamo Haji Shamo
207. Dakhel Ramo Khudaida from Sebashekhder is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014.
208. Shebo Qasem Sulaiman Mahmood from Seba is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
209. Shevan Sa'ado Kunji from Seba is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
210.  Darwesh Hamo Elias from Seba is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
211. Murad Hassan Mechek from Seba is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
212. Murad Khalaf Qasem from Seba is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
213. Sa'adoon Ibrahem Atto from Seba is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
214. Fadhel Hussein Khalaf from Seba is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
215. Marwan Kheder Umar from Seba is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
216. Adnan Ibrahem Elias from Seba is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
217. Ziad Ezzat Qulo from Borek is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
218. Khalaf Elias Dawood from Dogry is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
219. Hussein Ali Sulaiman from Gohbal is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
220. Ali Qasem Issa from Khanasor is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
221. Ido Khudaida Ali from Khanasor is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
222. Maher Khalaf Ali from Khanasor is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
223. Sabah Khalaf Ali from Khanasor is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014
224. Salah Khalaf Ali from Khanasor is kidnapped by ISIS and killed on 12.06.2014  
225. Rekan Sa'ado Qasem from Mahad is killed in Sheikhan on 05.07.2014

(1): People found their bodies in one deep well near Khanasor village in Sinjar.
(2): Double suicide blast in Sinjar Gasino.
(3): Explosive car bombed in Senoni mayor “a village from Ezidis belong to sinjar”.
(4): Terror attack on the family from Ezidis in Borek village/Sinjar and killed all they can with some guests.
(5): Fled people towards Europe and they were killed on their way in a car accident.
(*): They were killed by insurgents in a mysterious situation.
($): Terror attacked the family; killed the man, his wife and his two daughters.
(&): Terror explosion in Sinjar left four killing and 11 injures 06.03.2010

Fift: Terrorism and terror attacks.
1. The first terrorist attack was by thousands of fanatic Kurds on Ezidis in Sheikhan, February 14-15., 2007.
2. The deadly attack when the terrorists separated the 24 Ezidi textile workers from other Muslims and Christians according to their identities and divided them into two groups and shot them to the death in public celebration in the east side of Mosul city on April 22, 2007.
3. the most bloody and horrendous attack took place against the civil Ezidis in Sinjar which harvested 336 killing and as twice as them from injures. More than 700 houses were collapsed and grounded to the earth, about 230 orphans (42 of them from both parents), 105 widows, hundred of shops were destroyed, hundred of private and agricultural vehicles were damaged, thousands are evicted and many handicapped as well as thousands of the psychologically wounded people will stay for centuries. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M5K2nnB5TQ&feature=fvwrel.
4. Terror suicide attack killing 12 Ezidis in Sinjar 29.05. 2009.
4. Terror attack on a yezidi family 14.12.2008.
5. Double suicide attack on Ezidis in Sinjar Casino 13.08.2009.
6. Bombing car in Senoni/Sinjar 29.08.2009.
7. Terror attack and killing four people from one family Sinjar (three women and one man), 16.01.2011.
8. Terrorists killed three old women/Sheikhan 30.07.2010.
9. Terror attack on alcohol shop belongs to Ezidis /Baghdad 21.04.2011.
10. Terror attack on alcohol shop in Baghdad belongs to Ezidis 09.05.2011.
11. Terror attack on alcohol shop in Baghdad belongs to Ezidis 18.05.2011.
13. Terror suicide attack on alcohol shop in Baghdad belongs to Ezidi 02.06.2011.
14. The attack on Ezidis and Christians investments like hotels, massage centers, alcohol shops and other investments in the north of Iraq so called Kurdistan region in Zakho and Dohuk 2/12/2011

Sixth: Why Ezidi people are fleeing to Europe and diaspora?

To be honest, we don’t like our Ezidi community leave their ancestor land, but every one has his/her own problem because of the following reasons. Economically, the people’s situations have been improved, but they have been the victim of the policies.
1. The security situation which among all is the most significant factor affecting the peoples` life. This element caused stopping all other activities like; agriculture, investments, travelling, issuing documents, finding job opportunities, involving their higher education, participating in national and international events, easily reaching the hospitals, managing human rights activities and establishing NGOs and so on.
2. The youths have loosed hope in their future when they can’t express their interests and have no clubs and other spaces for activities, as well as they can’t pursue any employ unless become member of Kurdish political party, especially PDK.
3. The region is under the disputed area from April 2003 and there is no evidence that it will be improved because it has been ignored from the both, Kurdistan and central governments and there is a continues changing in its demographic situation to raise the Muslims percentage in all Ezidi regions.
4. There is no employment chances to consume the high number of people who have no job opportunities.
5. The villages are surrounded with deep ditches and sand walls like a big jail, so this reminds them to live without hope and are terror targets, as well as detaining the people randomly with out evidences.
6. Their regions suffer from the lack of every basic needs like for example; paved road, health care and clinics, educational programs, NGOs, drinking water, and so on.
7. The Muslim minority in Sinjar is controlling the majority of Ezidis there.
8. Abusing and insulting of the Ezidis in Kurdish regions as daily workers, students in universities, patients in the hospitals, passengers in check points, and youths in police and so on.
9. The political situations; the independent rights to the election events, the constitutional items in both Central and Kurdish constitution and the Ezidi representatives in Nineveh provisional council who haven’t been participating the Nineveh provisional council from April 2009 until now they haven’t participated their meetings in the Mosul provisional parliament. So, the people can’t request their legal rights while their representatives are not involving the provisional council.
10. In Sheikhan, there is a huge changing in its demography by the Kurdish political parties, especially PDK; encouraging Muslim Kurds to flee and re-settle them among the Ezidis and then build mosques as a policy to oblige Ezidis to be evicted: Due to the concept that all are Kurds (Muslims and Ezidis), the Kurdish political parties increasing the Muslim’s rate, because they have no confident in Ezidis for their future and control Ezidis to vote for ratifying the Sheikhan region to be apart of Kurdistan in future. Also, more than 25 females have been kidnapped by Muslim Kurds from 2003 right now, as well as the double stand dealing with Ezidis when they have the same case in front of the law and job opportunities.
11. In Sheikhan also, many families have been converted to Islam under the Kurdish Islamic propaganda as following.
a. Fahmi Shino Ibrahim and his family (Fayza Khero Sesso, his wife. Alend Fahmi Shino, his son. Ellen Fahmi Shino, his daughter. Aàfia Khero Sesso, the sister of his wife Fayza). 28.08.2011
b. Idée Hajji Arab (female from Bozan village belong to Sheikhan), with her four children. July 2011.
c. Razia Silo Nasir (also female from Bozan village), with her 6 children and her married sister, July 2011.
d. On 31.05.2011, a Muslim teacher in Khanasor/sinjar named Mahdi Saidi Said kidnapped his student of (14 year old), named Lamiae Hajji Macho and they issued their documents in Najaf El-Ashraf government Islamic court.
e. Nashto Hassan Hajji from Bozan village with his wife and two children converted to Islam, 2011.
f. Mamo Hajji Smo from Bozan village with his wife and two children converted to Islam, 2011.
g. Thania Khuder Khalaf from Karsaf village/Sheikhan converted to Islam, 2011.
h. 12.06. 2007, five Ezidi families from Sinjar in Tikrit were converted to Islam after had been threatened from Al-Qaeda members: 1. Yousif Silo Avora with all his family from Dogori village. 2. Rakan Iedo with all his family from Al-Qahtaniya village. 3. Murad Mohaweah with his family from Al-Jazeera village. 4. Bashar Khalaf with his all family from Al-Jazeera village. 5. Ali Iedo Arar with all his family from Al-Jazeera village.
i. Many other families and individuals from different Ezidi regions were converted to Islam under threat because they are poor people and working in the agricultural or animal fields and have no chance to work in restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, daily works, especially in Kurdish regions and then they become an easy target for the Muslim propaganda.

What are the drawbacks of the migration on the future of Ezidis?

After explaining the reasons behind their migration, we have to focus on the negative effect of the migration on the future of the Yezidis and what may happen later?
1. The migration will send a clear message to the insurgents and terrorists that the Ezidis are the easiest target for kidnapping and paying ransom, which encourage the terrorists for more terror, because the Ezidis are the easiest source for their finance.
2. The migration will also give the chance for others to control much more from their land, territories and interests.
3. Migration of the fertile young people will create a big social problem when more females remain without marriage, reduce in Ezidi number of the new generation and consequently will increase the social corruption among a very conservative and tribal society, which will significantly raise the conflicts in the future.
  1. The migration will give the opportunity to the others for more changing in the demography in their region, as well as political and economical corruption.
5. All Ezidi shrines, holly places, Cemetery ancestors, culture, traditional, history and the agricultural lands will become targets for the others when they leave their land.

The question is, why inspite of all they know about what is mentioned; they continue fleeing and migrating to European country, especially Germany, leaving every thing behind them?
I think the answer is quite clear when both the poor and rich people from males and females who sale their houses, lands, gold, shops, loan thousands of dollars, leave their childhood memories, leave their wives, husbands and children behind them and bear all kinds of danger with smugglers in the illegal ways over the seas and forests, is the answer why they leave their countries. The economic situations are not the main reason, but after the people accessed more to the international communications, they understood their humanity much more than the previous era and can’t live more under violence, corruption, sectarianism and extreme circumstances as before, and then they are searching for any other option to live their life and preserve their dignity. The university graduated in thousands from 2003 as well as who are not capable to complete their higher education because of the insecurity, are not able to access to any job unless sign for the Kurdish political parties, while some one don’t have interests in such parties. This is the same with the professors and other intellectuals, and when they have no chance in other places in Iraq, they have either to obey them or have to flee.

How do the Ezidis tried to avoid the danger after 2003?
1. Most of the Ezidis hide their previous Identity and issued another one with modern Kurdish or Islamic names in order not to be known by the others, especially in the check points and other official places because the insurgents some times were managing gangs suddenly on the highways and inside the cities to check the people due to their identities.
2. Many people changed their traditional features which may sign to them that they are Ezidis like for example; shaving their mustaches, don’t wearing the “Ezidi Tog”, holding “holly Barat with them”, and so on to avoid the insurgents and terrorists.
3. Changing the melody of their speaking in some situations and try to speak Arabic or Kurdish as the local people from Kurds in Dohuk or Erbil are speaking to avoid being known as Ezidis.
4. Most of the Ezidis were used to swear with Quran to be appearing as Muslim and avoid troubles.
How can the Ezidis integrate with the German society_

If we understand the meaning of integration and know that it is not against our belief, then it will be much easier to be adopted. So, we have to think and react positively with rules, neighbours, friends, partners and officials to sustain the mutual confidence that the new situation will support rather than rejecting us. Therefore, we as Ezidis have to think of the integration with open mind as a supporting element towards our religious conducts, and not to be afraid of it.

Why the Ezidis facing problems in integration and what are that reasons?

1. The illiteracy, especially after 1990 because of the negative impact of embargo and limitation of people’s movement in Iraq.
2. Such illiterate society can’t follow-up the development and psychologically is not capable to integrate significantly with the new community. So, it is not easy for them to share positively the other people, their activities. Also, when can’t read letters and other official documents, they will feel shock, shy and unhappy with the new life and culture.
3. The illiterates can’t easily learn and understand the German language and then contribute the culture of the new community. Also, there is a big gap between the mentality of migrants and indigenous people to accept, adopt and use the new technology, rules and the modern culture and life.
4. The negative impact of illiteracy continued on the second and third generation. Therefore, instead of involving the high schools and universities, they worked hard to support their families in own land who continued suffering from the embargo for 13 year. So, at least three generations become the victims of the difference in culture between east and west countries.
5. The negative impact of the nationality interference with the religious concept as a new Kurdish policy after 2003. Therefore, the Ezidis are confused and concerned about their identity and how the new religious culture which is supporting the Kurdish nationality rather than the Ezidi religious code of conducts, and not to preserve their unique traditional rules and believes.

How we can support the new generations?
  1. Raise their Awareness in the domain of the education, better learning and integrate them with the Deutsch community. This can be achieved through funding and supporting research programs, social clubs and workshops, especially with the new generations from the students and youths.
2. Support the Ezidi committees with their social, cultural, integral and educational roles and remind them not to work for the political activities and interests. The Ezidi religious codes are quite close to the German laws. The Ezidi leagues and committees should be supported with Deutsch intellectuals and experts as well as other nationalities, like what the Ezidi Academy in Hanover did.
3. Aware the Ezidi committees, not to become centres for private interests, personal relationships and political headquarters for the politic, but they should encourage the integration and educating the Ezidis with the importance of good certificates.
4. Raise the capacity building of the Yezidi intellectuals and invite them to attend the new and modern workshops to qualify them for their job as leaders.
5. Support them with Deutsch experts and intellectuals to assess the activities and follow the feedback, output and outcome of the workshops and events to raise their capacity building and understanding of integration.
6. Let them feel confidence and encourage them to integrate the others positively in schools, clubs, universities and social activities.
7. Support and qualify some religious leaders from the Ezidi young generation who can understand and preserve its principles as one of the ancient religious cultures. They will help the Deutsch experts and authorities for mutual benefit and reduce the tension, if needed.

Yezidi Hopes:

 The Ezidis in Iraq haven’t loose hope yet and request from the international community to use more pressure on Iraqi and Kurdistan region governments to:
1-     Allow Ezidis to identify themselves as Ezidi in ethnicity and give the chance for every one to express his or her choice and not to oblige them to obey others custody.
2-     Provide an international protection for Ezidi peoples and its religious and cultural symbols from fanatics from Muslims of both Kurds and Arab terrorists.
3-     Facilitation for their refuges in European and other world countries to highlight and empower a Ezidi lobby to defend and support their interests in their homelands.
4-     Organize an independent international delegations to visit Iraq and evaluate the human rights situations in Ezidi regions through non-aliened people who can speak frankly concerning basic needs, educational process, health care, civil society, religious and political events and so on.
5-     The fanatics from Arabs are killing the Ezidis because they regard them as Kurds and supporting the Kurds interests. Also, the fanatics Muslims from the Kurds are killing the Ezidis because they are regarding them Ezidis and “unbelievers”. So, we don’t know who is our real enemy. And therefore, we are calling for the international protection as a religious minority in Iraq.

Ali Seedo Rasho,
Academic and Human Rights Activist.
“Mailto: alirasho@yahoo.de”, English speaker.
Mob: 0049152 34 20 50 98 

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